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Created By The Splendor Of Nature

Airpligx Productions Cover.jpg

Musique par Airpligx

Created By The Splendor Of Nature is an inspirational adventure hybrid orchestral track.

Especially suitable for:

touching epic commercials, documentaries with inspiring moments, lively powerful advertising projects, inspirational world discovery scenes, joyfully exciting nature activities videos, vivid landscape/cityscape/seascape drone footage, effective adventurous suspense scenes, wonderful energetically inspiring technological progress and innovation presentations, motivational neoteric political campaign videos

Orchestration (summarized):

Brass, Pitched Percussion (Piano), Synths, Strings

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This item’s essence is captured in its unspoken promise of quality and intention.

Vitrine Sonore : Exploration Interactive des Métadonnées Musicales

ID de l’Article:


Titre Principal:

Created By The Splendor Of Nature

Created By The Splendor Of Nature (Adventurous, Inspirational, Hybrid)

Titre Descriptif:

Titre Alternatif:


Versions Disponibles:

V1 Main, V2 Medium, V3 Short, V4 Sting, V1 - V4 (Soft/Light)

Battements par Minute (BPM):


Signature Rythmique:


Durée de la Piste (Min:Sec):

V1 2:20, V2 1:15, V3 0:42, V4 0:26


Airpligx (GEMA IPI: 01011718999)

Éditeur / Droits d’Édition:


Société de Gestion des Droits d’Auteur:


Surveillance TV / Content ID / Autre Suivi:


Créé le:


Dernière Mise à Jour:



Brass (Trumpet)
Pitched Percussion (Pianos)
Synths (Synth Strings, Pad 3, FX 4)
Strings (Solo Violoncello, Violoncellos, Contrabasses, Strings)


action, adventure, aerial, atmospheric, cheerful, cinematic, confident, contemplative, discover, energetic, epic, groundbreaking, happy, heroic, hybrid orchestral, ingenious, innovative, inspiring, inventive, journey, joyful, motivational, nature, pioneering, powerful, sentimental, storytelling, travel, vivid, voyage

Airpligx Productions

Airpligx Productions Music Library B.png

Diffusion de Musique

Apple B.png
Deezer B.png
Youtube Music B.png
Amazon B.png
Spotify B.png
Tidal B.png
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